Compare Secondary Schools in Kent

Click on the appropriate buttons to compare secondary school performance in Kent for your catchment area.

If your catchment area is not shown, or a particular school is missing from a catchment area, please email us to have the analysis included.

Each button will open a new window

You will see a message "No Schools or Colleges to Compare": click on the <My Schools> link to populate the comparison

These buttons access official data to help you compare schools’ performance within your area

Note that each button will open a new window.  When the new window opens, click on the <My Schools> link to populate the comparison.

Please note that collection of these data has been disrupted by Covid and will not be fully updated until the start of the new school year.

Your evaluation could also include:

  ★  visiting potential schools on their advertised open days

  ★  looking at their facilities, academic and extra-curricula offerings

  ★  examining their websites and Admissions Policy

  ★  looking at their latest Ofsted report

  ★  talking to existing parents, in person and online

Be aware that published data, reports and comments lag reality, and schools might have changed since publication.

Ofsted reports, in particular, could be several years old.

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